Team Culture

Guide to effective feedback clarification

Guide to effective feedback clarification


  • Act on feedback for personal and professional growth.
  • Practice active listening: give full attention, avoid distractions, and take detailed notes during feedback.
  • Ask open-ended questions for deeper understanding and constructive dialogue.
  • Be open and patient as a feedback provider, offering additional information in a non-judgmental manner.
  • Address uncomfortable feedback by seeking clarification and providing constructive insights.
  • Remember feedback is about specific behaviors/actions, not personal; essential for growth.


Feedback is an essential part of personal and professional growth. Whether it is given by a direct report to their manager or from a peer to another peer, feedback can provide valuable insight into one's performance and help identify areas for improvement. However, feedback is only effective when it is understood and acted upon. In this article, we will explore the key elements of effective feedback clarification in a work context.

Active Listening/Reading?

Active listening is a crucial skill in feedback clarification. When receiving feedback, it is essential to listen attentively to the feedback provider. This means giving the feedback provider your full attention and avoiding distractions such as checking your phone or thinking about your response before they finish speaking. Taking notes is also very important so that you can capture information accurately and address if needed. Effective notes is are also a crucial tool that you can revert back to and reflect upon over time, also as a measure of your improvement.

Asking Open-Ended Questions

Asking open-ended questions is key in gaining a deeper understanding of the feedback provided. Open-ended questions encourage the feedback provider to elaborate on their feedback and provide more specific examples. For example, you could ask "Could you give me an example of when you observed this behavior?" Open-ended questions are more likely to result in a constructive conversation and help you to better understand the feedback provided.

Providing Additional Information

The feedback provider should be open and willing to provide additional information when asked to clarify their feedback. This means being patient and non-judgmental when responding to questions and providing specific examples to illustrate their feedback. It is also helpful to provide feedback in a constructive manner that focuses on specific behaviors rather than generalizations. Providing additional information demonstrates a commitment to helping the feedback receiver grow and improve, and can help to foster a positive work environment.

The Uncomfortable Reality of Feedback Clarification

Feedback clarification can be uncomfortable, particularly if the feedback provided is negative or critical. It is natural to feel defensive or upset when receiving feedback, but it is important to remember that learning how to listen to negative or critical feedback is an essential part of growth. Seeking clarification and providing additional information in a constructive manner as a follow up to the actions triggered by the upearly slack bot can help to alleviate these feelings and ensure that the conversation can progress productively. It is also essential to remember that feedback is not personal, but rather a reflection of specific behaviors or actions.


As we’ve learnt, active listening, asking open-ended questions, and seeking clarification are critical skills in feedback clarification. The feedback receiver should take responsibility for seeking clarification, while the feedback provider should be open and willing to provide additional information. Feedback clarification can be uncomfortable, but it is an essential part of personal and professional growth. By following these guidelines, individuals can ensure that feedback is a constructive and valuable experience that promotes growth and development in the workplace.